We can carry out a full site survey and percolation tests (site characterisation tests) for your effluent treatment system. We will also design the effluent treatment system most suitable to your site conditions.
Given the recent incidences of flooding in Ireland, it is essential to have sustainable stormwater drainage systems installed on your site. DKA carry out Soakaway Tests to ascertain the permeability characteristics of your site and can design Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) for your site.
Site Characterisation Tests and Percolation Tests to EPA Regulations
A site characterisation report or sometimes referred to as a Percolation Test is an analysis of the local hydrogeological features of a site to determine the most feasible means of treating effluent on-site whilst ensuring full compliance with the effluent treatment requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency and the relevant local authority planning regulations. We have the relevant Fetac qualifications and PI insurance and we are approved nationally to conduct these tests. We carry out Percolation tests and Site Characterisation Tests in Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Wicklow and throughout Ireland.
Soakaway tests to BRE Digest 365 for Stormwater Design
Soakaway tests are carried out in accordance with BRE Digest 365. Soakaways have been the traditional method of stormwater disposal from buildings and paved (impervious) areas remote from a public sewer or watercourse. In recent years soakaway tests have been used in urban, fully sewered areas to limit the impact on discharge of new upstream building works and to avoid costs of sewer up-grading outside a development. Soakaway tests are required to be submitted with planning applications and BRE Digest 365 is the standard used to assess soakaways. We carry out Soakaway tests and Soakaway Design in Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Wicklow and throughout Ireland.
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) are required by local authorities to deal with stormwater from development of Greenfield sites. The purpose of SUDs is to remove surface water as quickly as possible and to contain it underground in an attenuation tank. The stored water can then be released from the tank at a calculated rate over a defined period of time.
Oil Spill Surveys

Professional Manner

Reasonable Cost

Small & Large Projects
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